Thursday, September 5, 2024

#Gold & #Silver Review $GLD $SLV #GC_F #SI_F Ready For A Slingshot Move?

Gold & Silver Review
Trading noise, the random movement of price over the short term, does not control trends, cycles, and profits. The majority, an emotionally driven group focused solely on price, often interprets it as meaningful information. This leads to confusion, frustration, missed opportunities, and leaves the majority as the bag holders of trend transitions. The Evolution of the Trade helps investors stand separate from the majority.

Gold and Silver's overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined and discussed in The Matrix for subscribers.

The new Gold & Silver Report, a series of videos, extends the discussion.

Beliefs that embrace narratives selling precious metals' lackluster performance as a byproduct of manipulation do not time markets. All manipulations fail. The skill comes in timing the failure. That is, following the invisible hand rather than pitch endless conspiracy pitches.

The confidence is the key to future direction. Confidence can't be controlled by the Fed or public policy.

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Ready For A Slingshot Move?

The open report discussion the relationship between silver, commodities, and the economy. All markets follow cycles, and like to throw off as many true believers as possible before the real move begins.

Gold & Silver Review

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.