Wednesday, July 24, 2024

#Biotech Report $XBI

Biotech Report
Short-term price fluctuations do not influence long-term trends, cycles, and profitability. The majority, guided by price trends and emotions, concentrate on short-term trading noise rather than cyclical trends of price, time, and energy. This focus creates confusion, frustration, missed chances, and typically leaves them holding the bag during trend shifts. Investors can sidestep this pattern by embracing the Evolution of the Trade and aligning with the minority.

The Biotechnology's overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined in The Matrix for subscribers.

Subscriber Comments

The Biotech Report, a series of videos, discusses trends, cycles, and intermarket flows for $XBI. The report was published and updated on 07/24/24.

$XBI's movement through the Evolution of the Trade is either bullish or bearish. This message changes, so there's no point in selling a static narrative.  If the primary trend and setup is bearish, and you believe it should be bullish, you will lose. This is why the majority defaults to the bag holders of major trend transition. Only the nimble minority survives in this business.

The Matrix helps us prioritize and find the next breakaway horse.

The 07/24/24 Report - Jumping The Creek update has been posted.

Important Updates

07/12/24 Report - Long Awaited Outcome
07/09/24 Report - Don't Fight It
06/04/24 Report - Compression Is Warning Us
04/04/23 Report - Stock Market Becomes The Monkey Wrench

Please watch the full update on the Reports Page.

Biotechnology Preview

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Market-driven money flow, trend, and intermarket analysis is provided by an Access Key.