Sunday, July 21, 2024

#Economy & #Stocks Report #GDP #Investing

E&S Report
Much of today's economic data is unreliable. Statisticians employ well-documented techniques such as geometric smoothing, seasonal adjustments, substitution, double counting, and hedonic adjustments as far back as the 1980s. The public accepts mainstream economic narratives, and assumes that politicians and central bankers control them. Administrations as far back as the 1980s have utilized heavily modified and revised economic data for political gain.

Experience teaches that data can be manipulated. Statistical techniques that shape short-term trends support public policy.

Subscriber Comments

The Economy & Stock (E&S) Report, a series of videos, discusses trends, cycles, and intermarket flows for the economy, stocks, and more. The report updated on 07/21/24.

The majority's ability to time stocks (any market) can only be described as Little Mac trying to withstand a flurry of upper cuts in Mike Tyson's punch out. The exchange often ends badly for those that do not understand the game. The game known as reading the invisible hand, the collective consciousness of the world, defines the minority. The minority survives, while the majority becomes the bag holder.

The 07/21/24 Report - Here Comes The Pressure update has been posted.

Important Reports:

07/12/24 Report - Warning, More Than Meets The Eye
07/08/24 Report - Economy and Bitcoin
05/29/24 Report - Dow Industrials Sending Message
05/07/24 Report - Count the Resets (R)
04/18/24 Report - Apple, Oh Shit
04/11/24 Report - What Are We Seeing In Stocks?
03/15/24 Report - Dividend Yield Cycles & Long-Term Timing For Stocks
03/13/24 Report - Stocks, Timing Model and Economic Transition
02/23/24 Report - The Pension Crisis
02/20/24 Report - Well... We're Waiting Yield Curve
01/11/24 Report - 2024 Destroys What's Left of Normal

Truth In Accounting: The State of the Cities 2024

Please watch the full update on the Reports Page.

E&S Report Preview

Follow me on 𝕏 or Facebook for further discussion.


The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.