Tuesday, July 23, 2024

#Dollar Index Report $UUP $UDX

US Dollar Report
Short-term price fluctuations do not influence long-term trends, cycles, and profitability. The majority, guided by price trends and emotions, concentrate on short-term trading noise rather than cyclical trends of price, time, and energy. This focus creates confusion, frustration, missed chances, and typically leaves them holding the bag during trend shifts. Investors can sidestep this pattern by embracing the Evolution of the Trade and aligning with the minority.

The US Dollar's overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined in The Matrix for subscribers.

Subscriber Comments

The Series US Dollar Report, a series of videos, discusses trends, cycles, and intermarket flows for the US Dollar (Euro & more). The report updated on 07/23/24.

The US Dollar is the most powerful trend in the Matrix. It's still one of the quietest, though, that will change soon. The mainstream media is foolishly ignoring the Euro and Yen's decline to destruction. This leaves the majority, generally believing central banks and the Fed will protect them, clueless and unprepared for the unintended consequences.

The global economy and financial markets are highly interconnected. Everyone subscriber should be following the dollar's primary trend. True believers, a group deeply rooted in economic, social, political dogma, and unwilling to adapt to the changes that lie ahead, will fall on black days. We will help you understand and alter course.

The 07/23/24 Report - Here It Comes update has been posted.

Important Updates

07/01/24 Report - Surfing Gorilla
04/28/24 Report - Wrecking Ball Won't Stop
04/13/24 Report - No Rescue Coming
04/11/24 Report - Are We Paying Attention?
04/08/24 Report - Persistent Accumulation
04/01/24 Report - Bears Covering Their Eyes
03/19/24 Report - Listen to the Invisible Hand, Not Narratives
01/07/23 Report - Get Ready For The Unexpected

Please watch the full update on the Reports Page.

US Dollar Report Preview

Follow me on 𝕏 or Facebook for further discussion.


The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.