Buy Codes

Table of Contents:
1. Purchase Codes
2. Link to Evaluation Matrix
3. How the Access and Report Codes Work

Code Sale

Purchase Access (A) and/or Report (R) codes starting at $172. All codes expire December 31st, 2024.

Reports will be added as the computer direct us. Real opportunities materialize in unpopular markets. We'll be more inclined to add (and subtract) new reports if subscribers purchase all codes.

We can create a custom invoice to facilitate your code purchase and payment. Please contact us for help.


Active Reports (Click to View Reports Page): #Dollar #Soybeans #Economy #Stocks #Corn #Gold #Silver #Wheat #Commodities #Energy #Bitcoin #Ethereum #LiveCattle #Hogs #NaturalGas #Bonds #Cocoa #Biotechnology #Cotton #Tesla. The Access Code downloads and unlocks all content but Reports.

STEP (1): Send Confirmation Email & Codes Purchased List

Please send us your code list before payment. For example for a four code purchase: Access Code, Bitcoin, Dollar, Gold & Silver. Your confirmation email will be entered into the contact form. Your codes will be sent once payment clears

2024 Access/Report Codes (Required)

PayPal, a leading provider of secure online money transfers, will handle payments. PayPal accepts PayPal transfers, major credit cards, bank wires, Bitcoin, eChecks, and more.

  • All codes expires on December 31st, 2024
  • A new Access Code will be generated on January 1st.
  • Information about subscribers is not stored, redistributed, or sold.
  • Refunds cannot be given once codes are sent.

Please contact us for help or additional questions.


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Free Matrix Evaluation

Free Matrix evaluation provides a preview of subscription level access. Subscription level access updates the Matrix daily and provides numerous supporting charts and interpretations to help visualize trends.


How the Access and Report Codes Work

  1. Codes unlock restricted content
  2. Find, click or tap the Click & Enter Access Code link (colored blue) below; this link is usually found under Subscriber Comments.
  3. Type example into enter the decryption key field. Codes are case-sensitive. Typing Example rather than example will not work. Subscribers will enter the access code sent to them by the computer.
  4. Click Ok.

Old Blog Post

What If A Virtuous Cycle Creates Unbelievable Concentration?

As investment confidence in the US soars, existing trends defined by capital flows rather than 'fundamentals' could generate unexpected outcomes.
