Saturday, October 3, 2020

Matrix Updated #Stocks #Bonds #Commodities #Bitcoin

The Matrix
The Matrix, an array that displays alignment of price & volume (trends) within the cycle of TIME, intermarket money flows, and the flow of sentiment, helps subscribers recognize the Evolution of the Trade for 44 markets. Markets include #stocks, #bonds, #forex, #Bitcoin & #Commodities.

Full subscription provides full access to the Matrix that's updated daily.

Limited or Free Subscription provides full access to an evaluation Matrix that's updated periodically.

PREV (the Matrix)

Subscriber Comments

Dividend cycles, timing tools based on price and SP500 payout, are reliable short-, intermediate-, and long-term timing tools. Vulnerablity in the "trend" arises when DY1, DY2, DY3, or DY4 climb above or below 2 or -2. September generated DY2 and DY3 readings below -2. The start of October marks the release of Q3 dividends that alter the timing cycles. Please read the latest Dividend Review.


Market-driven money flow, trend, and intermarket analysis is provided by an Access Key.