We have been doing consulting for the Matrix, markets, energy, and intermarket trends for a long time. The approach of 2022 means the arrival of panic, social disorder, and confusion as confidence remains locked in a bear phase. I encourage everyone to continue using the Matrix. The Matrix is your best tool (defense) to fight the propaganda of the "Big Grift." If you need help into the teeth of confusion, please consider
Insight Consulting for a more immersive experience with the Matrix, trading, economics, and the global view.
The rabbit hole is deep, and it's not easy to navigate.
PREVPOST, your version of the Matrix, is one of many. We follow longer-term trends, and multiple time frame, plus calculate energy in multiple ways to enhance our understanding of the invisible hand. The rabbit hole is deep, and it's not easy to navigate.
Market-driven money flow, trend, and intermarket analysis is provided by an
Access Key.