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Markets to Watch
Numerous markets need addition discussion this week. The dollar, in general, continues to push investors. The dollar's rally, viewed largely as a byproduct of interest rates or inflation, reflects capital flows seeking to minimize risk. The dollar's rally is beginning to affect the untouchable commodity markets. We need to extend discussion about various commodities this week.
The public is trapped in the delusion that the Fed and other central banks hold all the strings of control in the financial and economic markets. Adam Smith, an ignored voice of history, says they will pay dearly for this assumption. The public, a majority that holds the bag during trend transition, believes rather listens to the invisible hand.
Welcome to the Jungle, people. Belief saw supermodels getting paid in Euros rather than dollar, and younger generations believing that Bitcoin will save the world's financial system. Those beliefs will become painful lessons for both.
Learning to Use the Composite Trend Sort
Learning to Use the Matrix to Manage Positions
All Report keys still published in Series 1 and Series 2 remain active.
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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.