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Oil Stocks Review |
Oil stocks' overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage (futures & options), and time, are defined in The Matrix for subscribers.
Subscriber Comments The Commodities & Energy, a series of videos, extends the discussion for commodities and oil.
The hardest aspect of investing/trading is controlling self, or the person in the mirror. Self that's dominated by ego, and believes it's smarter than the invisible hand. The invisible hand is the force that controls trends and cycles. Self turns destructive when it cites conspiracies when the invisible proves its beliefs wrong. This behavior is found not only in the oil, but all markets tracked in the Matrix. The Matrix was created to remove self from decision-making.
Today Review discusses an update for the oil stocks in the Evolution of the Trade. This review, an important read for all, is opened with your Access Code. Your access code opens the Matrix, and all content but reports and special reports.
Use your Subscription Level Access Code to access the full review.
$XOP's primary trend has been up for 4 months and 4% gross. The return of triple alignment supports the stocks market (E&S Report), and foreshadows at least steady oil prices in the near and intermediate term. Oil, energy, and energy stocks follow the economic cycle. Watch the Commodities & Energy and Economy & Stocks Report updates for further discussion. The economic and commodity cycles need to be understood to improve our survival odds in 2024.
Oil stocks tend to outperform late in the economic cycle. They have been outperforming S&P 500 for two months (since Septemeber). It's early. The average cycle is 12 months. This number is consistent with the economic cycle discussed in the Economy & Stocks (E&S) Report. Every wonder why the majority constantly cites conspiracies? They can't see the cycles, and don't want to admit they're wrong.
Oil Stocks verse the S&P 500
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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.