E&S Review |
Data massaged by statistical techniques (tricks) are revised when nobody is looking, or Administrations or public policies change.
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The Economy & Stocks (E&S) Report, a series of videos, provide depth to today's review. The E&S Report should be mandatory for all subscribers. 2023 will be a difficult and volatile year. It leads an important transition to 2024. Investors need to be prepared for 2024. That's when the crying starts.
The majority never gets timing right. They're bearish when they should be bullish, and vice versa. They also have a long history of becoming bag holders.
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” — Charles Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
Mackay reminds us that the majority, the collective conscious of all investors, to be swayed by the emotions and behaviors of the crowd. The majority, a group that struggles with timing, find themselves being bearish when they should have been bullish, and vice versa. This traps them as bag holders when trends against the majority's expectations. The stock market often defies expectations, rising when everyone expects a recession, and vice versa. This is why we follow the invisible hand rather than opinions.
The World is Playing A Stupid Game For Stupid Prizes
Don't watch the headlines, listen to the invisible hand. In that respect, the majority remains clueless, and will be the bag holder by 2030s. You have an opportunity to listen, and get in front of the trends.
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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.