Wednesday, January 8, 2025

In the #News #Economy #Politics

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.”

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

― Mark Twain

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Inflation is everywhere, but no one (at least publically) fully understands why.😂

Janet Yellen, the outgoing Treasury Secretary and former Federal Reserve Chair, made the following admission today:

Janet Yellen has acknowledged that government spending on COVID-19 'might' have had a minor role in the current inflation but emphasized that the supply chain shortages were the main driver.

It's always the private sector!

Let's get straight to the point. Social and mainstream media often assume you'll believe anything. Excessive debt-fueled government spending, whether due to COVID-19 or the real reason—war—is driving inflation. The Federal Reserve is aware of this. Powell has criticized the outgoing administration, suggesting that the US is on an unsustainable fiscal path. In simpler terms, he's saying the US is spending recklessly, and it's causing inflation.

Ignore the talking heads and pay attention to the invisible hand. Inflation has been out of control since November 2020. Our inflation oscillator, which reflects the invisible hand's take on inflation, has stayed above the zero line for 50 months (with a brief dip below it in October 2024) and shows no sign of easing.

Meanwhile, the City of New York, which do not understand the real cause of inflation, is driving up cost even more in Manhattan.

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The majority cheers Yellen's comments and New York City's decision, blaming the private sector. Welcome to the chaos! Subscribe to the US Bond Report to stay ahead of it. Inflation is driven by excessive spending at the local, state, and federal levels. The The 01/03/24 Report - Time's Up calls a spade a spade for 2025. It's time to prepare.

Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for further discussion.


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