Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Matrix Updated #Stocks #Bonds #Commodities #Bitcoin

The Matrix
The Matrix, an array that displays alignment of price & volume (trends) within the cycle of TIME, intermarket money flows, and the flow of sentiment, helps subscribers recognize the Evolution of the Trade for 44 markets. Markets include #stocks, #bonds, #forex, #Bitcoin & #Commodities.

Full subscription provides full access to the Matrix that's updated daily.

Limited or Free Subscription provides full access to an evaluation Matrix that's updated periodically.

PREV (the Matrix)

Subscriber Comments

Those following investment discipline are likely not chasing the rally higher because of the Dividend Yield Cycle Mean 1-4 Bear chart. The current Dividend Yield Cycle Mean 1-4 is the lowest reading since 1825. The lowest reading in the history of the Mean 1-4 cycle does mean the rally will end here; it only suggests the risks to it are growing exponentially. Don’t throw good money at increasingly dangerous rally when significantly less dangerous markets exist in the Matrix.

Dividend Yield Cycle Mean 1-4 Bull

Dividend Yield Cycle Mean 1-4 Bear


Market-driven money flow, trend, and intermarket analysis is provided by an Access Key.