Friday, February 16, 2024

#Commodities & #Energy Review $USO $UGA #OOTT Easy To Deny, Hard To Recover

C&E Review
Short-term price fluctuations do not influence long-term trends, cycles, and profitability. The majority, guided by price trends and emotions, concentrate on short-term trading noise rather than cyclical trends of price, time, and energy. This focus creates confusion, frustration, missed chances, and typically leaves them holding the bag during trend shifts. Investors can sidestep this pattern by embracing the Evolution of the Trade and aligning with the minority.

Commodities overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined and discussed in The Matrix for subscribers.

Subscriber Comments

The Commodities & Energy (C&E) Report, a series of videos addressing cycles of price, time, and energy for commodities, oil, and oil related markets, extends the discussion.

“There is nothing to fear but fear itself”, Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933.

While a sharp run-up in grain prices on weather concerns have sparked fears of a parabolic rally in foodstuffs and commodities, it cannot dominate our emotions and blind us to the interconnectivity of markets and the invisible hand. A sustainable rally in grains must be accompanied by a surge in commodities, foodstuffs, and leading indicators such as the Australian Dollar and silver. We delve into these elements and offer vital insights to cycles and trends to prevent our emotions from running wild. #commodities #corn #soybeans #wheat #forex #silver

The majority, a lot of it in Ag #corn #soybeans #wheat, is being reminded today that the invisible hand is deadly efficient.

Use your Subscription Level Access Code to access the full review.

This is an open review.

We have said too many times to count that the fundamentals do not matter in the end. Decades's of experience tracking the invisible and through the Matrix has taught this lesson. The reasons commodities, in general, are falling sharply today do not matter. While this is a hard concept to embrace, it's essential to survival.

The only observations that matter,

(1) The invisible hand does not care what the majority believes.

(2) Do not position against the primary and/or composite trends.

The CRB Foodstuffs, an index that includes many of the markets being pounded today, has been deteriorating for months. 01/05/24 Report - Easy to Deny, Hard to Recover update was another reminder to what's unfolding in commodities and the US Dollar.

CRB Foodstuff

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.