Wednesday, January 22, 2025

#Economy & #Stocks Review Stock Market Rally Showing Cracks Too

E&S Review
Much of today's economic data, including officially collected and produced time series, is highly unreliable. Statisticians use well-documented techniques such as geometric smoothing, seasonal adjustments, substitution, double counting, and hedonic adjustments to modify economic outcomes dating back to the 1980s. Politicians and central bankers often leverage these techniques for political gain.

Data manipulated by these statistical methods are frequently revised without clear notification to the public, especially when administrations or public policies change.

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Stock Market Rally Showing Cracks Too

Primary trends for stocks are on the rise across the board. Investors, who are increasingly complacent about downside risk, have taken notice. The Evolution of the Trade discourages shorting primary uptrends. These trends, like the economy, are showing some cracks in their facade.

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