Monday, January 20, 2025

In the #News #Economy #Politics Executive Orderfest

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“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

― Mark Twain

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Executive Orderfest

The Constitution does not explicitly grant the president the authority to issue proclamations or executive orders. They are not even mentioned. George Washington recognized from the beginning that presidential authority had to encompass activities not specifically defined in the Constitution to effectively lead the nation. On June 8, 1789, President Washington issued his first directive. At that time, Congress had not yet established the new executive departments, so the secretaries of the existing Confederation departments continued in their roles in an acting capacity. Washington requested John Jay, the acting secretary of foreign affairs, to provide “a clear account of the Department at the head of which you have been, as may be sufficient … to impress me with a full, precise and distinct general idea of the United States.” Executive orders were born.

In the first 100 days of any administration, executive orders and unilateral presidential actions are hot topics. Incoming President Trump is no exception, and he hasn't taken the oath of office. Social media is abuzz about the expected record number of executive orders issued by Trump on Monday after he takes the oath of office. Most discussions on social media are a waste of time in terms of the invisible hand. This one is no exception.

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The majority, an impulsive and clueless group, is beginning to believe that Trump will become the king of executive orders. ๐Ÿ˜‚ He's not even close.

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The first priority, if it were possible, would be an executive order forcing China and Japan to keep buying US Treasuries. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Meanwhile, we're too busy discussing tariffs and escalating aggressive rhetoric with our main trading partners and financial supporters. Pure genius. For a more detailed discussion about capital flows, which cannot be controlled by governments, central banks, or executive orders, please watch the latest US Bond Report, 01/18/24 Report - Capital Flows Setting Trends. Distrupt them, and nobody will be talking about executive orders after the first 100 days. It's highly likely that the majority will focus on the shitshow, rather than the real trends unfolding. You must stand with the minority to be ready. We talk about how.

Follow me on ๐• or Facebook for further discussion.


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