Cocoa Report |
Cocoa's overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined in the Matrix for subscribers.
Subscriber Comments
The Cocoa Report, a series of videos, discusses advanced cycles of price, time, and energy. The report updated on 09/20/24.
Cocoa went from a fire sale in 2023 to must-watch in 2024. This emotional transition illustrates the logic of the majority perfectly. It does not matter whether we're discussing Cocoa or Bitcoin. The transition is always the same. The primary trend transitioned from “I hate cocoa and will never watch any report updates” to “cocoa is our hero” in just over a year.
Subscribers could learn a lot about the phycology of trading and following the invisible hand by watching all the report update from 2023 to 2024. Please review the 2023 Report Updates to better understand the Evolution of the Trade, and how the majority consistently ignored the bullish setup and trend, despite repeated warnings from the invisible hand.
The 09/20/24 Report - Tired Trend update has been posted.
Please watch the full update on the Reports Page.
Cocoa Report Update Preview
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