Tuesday, January 21, 2025

#Dollar Review $UUP $UDX

US Dollar Review
Short-term price fluctuations do not influence long-term trends, cycles, and profitability. The majority, guided by price trends and emotions, concentrate on short-term trading noise rather than cyclical trends of price, time, and energy. This focus creates confusion, frustration, missed chances, and typically leaves them holding the bag during trend shifts. Investors can sidestep this pattern by embracing the Evolution of the Trade and aligning with the minority.

The US Dollar Index's overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined in The Matrix for subscribers.

Subscriber Comments

The US Dollar Report, a series of videos, extends the discussion.

The "Dollar is Dead" narrative has gained significant traction across social and mainstream media. This discussion often accompanies claims that commodities like gold, silver, and bitcoin for big gains. Alleged reasons for the dollar's decline range from hyperinflation to the collapse of the petrodollar. The latter argument, in particular, is essentially misinformation compared to actual market behavior, yet it has been eagerly adopted by gold and crypto enthusiasts and crypto on social media. It's a misleading trap that ensnares the majority with unrealistic forecasts. The majority of those expressing bearish sentiments about the dollar inadvertently suggest that currencies such as the Euro, Yen, Canadian Dollar, or Australian Dollar will become the world's safe havens as the dollar declines. We debunk this false assumption in the US Dollar Report. While this narrative generates clicks and advertising revenue, it falls short from lessons taught by history.

Use your Subscription Level Access Code to access the full review.

The Dollar Index's daily trends are significantly stretched. Subscribers to the Dollar Report with access to the PREV Matrix will readily observe the following:

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.